Now you CAN get rid of those stubborn inches!
Try it. You’ll LOVE it!
Read on for more info on how the Eurowave Pro works, but you're better off just giving it a try. That's why we offer a great price on your first trial session. Book now >
Give us one 18-minute session and we GUARANTEE we can get 1-3 inches off of your treated area. Many clients lose 4-6 inches in one treatment. After a number of sessions, most of our clients are down 1 entire clothing size. And much like visiting the gym, the effects don't 'wear off' unless you allow the muscle to atrophy. With some regular exercise, or maintenance treatments on the Eurowave, results can be maintained indefinitely.
We take that part of your body you don't like, and make it SHRINK. Guaranteed!
*results not uniform for all users, but minimum results are guaranteed
How the Eurowave Pro Works
Why Weight achieves tightening, toning, and shaping through the use of Electrical Muscle Stimulation technology. Specifically, the Eurowave Pro sends painless, penetrating faradic waves through your skin and into your muscles. The inch loss is not a trick: the machine stimulates muscles into contracting, much like resistance exercises might at the gym. That means that in addition to the great inch loss benefits, you'll be building, strengthening, and toning your core muscles, all while relaxing at Why Weight. And the best part is that lactic acid is not produced, which means the process is painless. In other words, you can say goodbye to "No pain, no gain" for good!
This technology was developed in the 1970s to help astronauts re-shape and re-build muscle after returning from the zero-gravity of space. As the technology progressed, it became more widely used by body builders, pro athletes, actors, physiotherapists, medical professionals, and now by therapists and aestheticians.
The Eurowave Pro lifts and contours the body by actually building new muscle mass. The equipment is for use only by certified professional therapists, such as the one you'll find at Why Weight in Okotoks!