Guaranteed Inch Loss
Before your next big vacation or special occasion, look and feel your best with our Universal Contour Wrap: the inch loss treatment that guarantees at LEAST 6 inches for a minimum of 30 days! And we typically see more, with many clients dropping between 8 and 14 inches after a single wrap. The wrap eliminates toxins, takes off inches, and exfoliates the skin, which means you will: look and feel your best, and leave your friends and family wondering how you did it... book your wrap today!

Why You Should Choose the Universal Contour Wrap
Other wrap treatments achieve results through the loss of water weight, which means the results are short-lived. After a few glasses of water, those inches are coming right back on. The Universal Contour Wrap does NOT achieve results through water weight, but rather through the removal of toxins your body might not otherwise be able to process. Our wrap will leave you smaller, rejuvenate your skin, and detoxify your body all in a single treatment. And the results continue to pile on with multiple wraps so you really can look and feel your BEST.
The Guarantee
After a single treatment of the Universal Contour Wrap, you will lose at least 6 inches and those results will stick with you for at least 30 days. Because we KNOW the Universal Contour Wrap delivers the results we're discussing here, we back this claim with a full, money-back guarantee.
Please be aware that clients typically see numbers more like 8-14 inches* after the first treatment, and even better results when combined with our Eurowave Pro treatments into our Incredible Inch Loss plan.
*results not uniform for all users

How it Works
Other wraps on the market typically cause sweating and lympatic system stimulation in order to see results through a loss of water weight. This is not particularly helpful, as those inches will start coming back after a few glasses of water. The Universal Contour Wrap is designed to target toxins your body hasn't otherwise been able to remove on its own, pushing it beyond mere inch loss. The unique clay formula and wrapping techniques utilized by your therapist will tighten and tone your body, while exfoliating and cleansing the skin so you will not only LOOK great, but you'll feel fabulous too -- after just one treatment!